We are now the Programs & Recruitment committee. And we’re still offering opportunities for grassroots activism. This website provides archival information.
Our Club Has Reorganized
We are now the Programs & Recruitment committee. And we’re still offering opportunities for grassroots activism. This website provides archival information.
Big Bar B Q fundraiser Sept. 22
The Democratic Club of Lake County hosts its annual Bar B Q fundraiser Saturday September 22, 2018. The event is 3-6 pm at the Clearlake Senior Center, 3245 Bowers Road, Clearlake, CA. Guest speakers are Congressman …
Dem Club meeting on September 12
Lake County Democratic Club meets Wednesday, September 12, 2018, in Lower Lake. We’re kicking off campaign season with a working meeting. Come help write postcards for our local endorsed candidates. Learn the facts about Proposition …
Lake County Democratic campaign office opens
The Democratic Party of Lake County hosts the grand opening of our United Democratic Campaign Headquarters on Monday Aug. 27, 2018, in preparation for the November 6, 2018 General election. The open house is from …
August 8 meeting features author, historian and storyteller Gene Paleno
The Lake County Democratic Club welcomes guest speaker Gene Paleno on Wed., Aug. 8, 2018. Paleno is an independent author, syndicated columnist, historian and storyteller extraordinaire who lives in Witter Springs. The son of Italian immigrants, …
November 14 Club meeting
The Democratic Club of Lake County is meeting on November 14 at 6:30 pm at the Social Hall of the Methodist Church in Lower Lake to plan for the 2019 year. Come discuss the election results and help strategize for the upcoming year. All are welcome.
The Lake County Democratic Club meets every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall of the United Methodist Church, 16255 2nd Street, Lower Lake. All meetings are open to the public. Membership is open to registered Democrats and dues are $20/annually. Lake County Democratic Club is an officially chartered club of the Democratic Party of Lake County.
Meeting Oct. 10– Support your local candidates

Big Bar B Q fundraiser Sept. 22
The Democratic Club of Lake County hosts its annual Bar B Q fundraiser Saturday September 22, 2018. The event is 3-6 pm at the Clearlake Senior Center, 3245 Bowers Road, Clearlake, CA. Guest speakers are Congressman John Garamendi (photo right) and Assemblymember Cecilia Aguilar-Curry. Congressman Mike Thompson will be there as well as newly elected local Democratic officials and candidates.
Join us for Bar B Q, dessert bar, local wines and beers, silent auction and musical entertainment by Scott Serena.
Tickets are $40 at the door and $20 for students. Online reservations can be made at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/lakedembbq2018#
To view and download the event flyer, click below.
Dem Club meeting on September 12
Lake County Democratic Club meets Wednesday, September 12, 2018, in Lower Lake. We’re kicking off campaign season with a working meeting. Come help write postcards for our local endorsed candidates. Learn the facts about Proposition 6 and why we are against it. Join the effort for No on Prop 6. We may also be writing postcards for Congressional candidates in other California districts. Come ready to actively engage.
The Lake County Democratic Club meets every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall of the United Methodist Church, 16255 2nd Street, Lower Lake. All meetings are open to the public. Membership is open to registered Democrats and dues are $20/annually. Lake County Democratic Club is an officially chartered club of the Democratic Party of Lake County.
Lake County Democratic campaign office opens

August 8 meeting features author, historian and storyteller Gene Paleno
The Lake County Democratic Club welcomes guest speaker Gene Paleno on Wed., Aug. 8, 2018. Paleno is an independent author, syndicated columnist, historian and storyteller extraordinaire who lives in Witter Springs. The son of Italian immigrants, Paleno was raised in the 1930’s in Michigan on his family’s rural farm. In the 1950’s after serving in the Navy during WWII, graduating from Michigan State University, and teaching school for awhile, the entire Paleno family came to California.
He raised his family in Southern California. Then several decades ago Paleno came to Northern California with his second wife, a Dixieland musician, and established a small farm. He became a widow at 84 which was such a cataclysmic change in lifestyle that he was forced to reinvent himself. He adopted his incorrigible cat Cleo and plunged into pursuing his passion for storytelling.
More than 30 years ago Paleno began to write stories and at 87 he became a syndicated columnist and publisher. His book “Lake County History – A Mystical Adventure in Time” secured his popularity as a writer. Now at 92 Paleno publishes “Witter Springs Chronicles,” writes columns for Lake County Record Bee, guest lectures at the Lake County Historical Society and Civil War Roundtable and tells his stories. He lives in Witter Springs, serves on the Board of Lake County Silver Foundation and as Chair of West Regional Town Hall, District 3.
Come to the next meeting on August 8 and enjoy a story about a rambunctious raccoon that harasses Paleno and Cleo. And also a bit about what we Democrats (and good Republicans) can do to make our country even greater than it is.
The Lake County Democratic Club meets every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall of the United Methodist Church, 16255 2nd Street, Lower Lake. All meetings are open to the public. Membership is open to registered Democrats and dues are $20/annually. Lake County Democratic Club is an officially chartered club of the Democratic Party of Lake County.
Dem Club joins parade
Some Democratic Club of Lake County members showed their patriotic pride recently. They rode in a classic car owned by Dave and Mary Borjon. The car, a 1967 Dodge Coronet, was entered in the Lakeshore Lions 61st Annual Redbud Parade and Festival, celebrating the Fourth of July.
Riding in the car, from left to right, are Shirley Howland (partly behind flag), Chair of the Democratic Club Susan Cameron, and Mary Borjon (holding pinwheel). Dave Borjon was driving. Also participating as parade walkers: Ralph, Pauline and Holger.
The Lake County Democratic Club meets every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall of the United Methodist Church, 16255 2nd Street, Lower Lake. All meetings are open to the public. Membership is open to registered Democrats and dues are $20/annually. Lake County Democratic Club is an officially chartered club of the Democratic Party of Lake County.
July 11 meeting speaker is Lakeport Mayor Turner
Our guest speaker for the July 11, 2018 meeting was Mireya Turner, Mayor of Lakeport. She spoke on the benefits Lake County will yield from taxes now being collected under SB1, commonly known as the gas tax. The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB 1) is a long-term transportation solution that provides new revenues for road safety improvements. In year 2018-19 alone, an infusion of over $2.5 million dollars will be allocated to Lake County and over the next 10-years, the county will receive over $39.5 million.
Under Proposition 69 (passed in the June primary election), this funding guarantees transportation funds can only be used for transportation improvement purposes and not for other projects. Ms. Turner understands the importance of these funds to our community; we asked her to speak to our Club membership to explain what’s at risk with repeal efforts underway.
Mireya currently serves as the Mayor of Lakeport. Raised as a Marine Corps “brat”, she has lived on both the East and West coasts, as well as abroad. She earned her BA in History from Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, and her Masters in Public Administration from National University.
She has lived in Lake County since 2000. Ms. Turner served seven years with the Board of Supervisors and now works as a Planner in the Community Development Department as well as serving on Lakeport City Council. She finds it fascinating to both work with the County and serve the public through the council in the City.
She discussed the ways our community will benefit from SB 1 revenues. Business leaders and working families from across the State oppose the repeal of SB1 legislation because it would eliminate 68,000 good paying jobs and wipe out $183 billion in economic investments as thousands of road construction projects are put to a stop. Come learn the facts on July 11th.
The Lake County Democratic Club meets every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall of the United Methodist Church, 16255 2nd Street, Lower Lake. All meetings are open to the public. Membership is open to registered Democrats and dues are $20/annually. Lake County Democratic Club is an officially chartered club of the Democratic Party of Lake County.
Lower Lake Daze parade features new banners
Lake County Democrats marched in the Lower Lake Daze parade the last Sunday of May, 2018 carrying the club’s new banners. Banner carriers are Carl Frederickson, Kathy Emmer and Deb Frederickson.
Democratic Club members who also showed up and were inducted to carry the Health Care for All banner are Pauline Pavon, Holger Jurgens and Stephanie Pawah.
June 13 meeting features Lake FRC
Lisa Morrow, (right) Executive Director of Lake Family Resource Center (Lake FRC) was the guest speaker at the Lake County Democratic Club on Wednesday, June 13, 2018. With her is Democratic Club Chair Susan Cameron (left). The title of Lisa’s talk was “Housing First, Housing Stability.”
May 9 meeting features Bruno Sabatier, Board of Supervisors candidate

Meet the candidates on May 5
On May 5, 2018, there will be a meet and greet event to get to know 4 of the people running for office this June. Download your flyer here: Candidate Event 2018
When: MAY 5, 2018 FROM 3 – 6 PM
Candidates Present:
Susan Krones, Candidate for Lake County District Attorney
Shanda Harry, Candidate for Lake County Superior Court Judge
Brock Falkenberg, Candidate for Lake County Superintendent of Schools
Bruno Sabatier, Candidate for District 2 Supervisor
This is a free event – bring your friends and neighbors. Light food, local wines, beer and soft drinks will be available .
Spanish speakers are encouraged to attend (Interpreters will be available). Ponentes españolas beinvenidos (Interprestes disponibles)
For the flyer with more details and a link to make a donation, click below.
April 11 meeting featured pot luck dinner and Labor speakers
The Democratic Club of Lake County had its first pot luck dinner of the year at the April 11 meeting. The meeting followed at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall of the Methodist Church at 16255 Second Street, Lower Lake CA. 95457.
We had a guest speaker, Mario Fernandez, talking about the local labor unions and what their challenges are in the current political climate.
Mr. Fernandez is the political organizer for SEIU 2015 on the North Coast of California covering the counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, and Lake.
Before becoming a political organizer for SEIU 2015, Mario began his involvement with the Labor Movement shortly after graduation from college. He worked for two labor councils assisting them with their elections, and worked for the California Faculty Association as they prepared for a massive statewide strike in 2016.
He studied political psychology at San Francisco State University, and attended the Strategic Corporate Research Summer School at Cornell University.
Though, he currently lives in Eureka, Mario has roots in Lake County, having attended school at Lucerne Elementary and Kelseyville Middle School.
IHSS workers in Lake County are represented by SEIU; so this subject is very relevant to our local community.
The Lake County Democratic Club meets every 2nd Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall of the United Methodist Church, 16255 2nd Street, Lower Lake. All meetings are open to the public. Membership is open to registered Democrats and fees are $20/annually. Lake County Democratic Club is an officially chartered club of the Democratic Party of Lake County.
SEIU 2015 Vision Statement:
SEIU Local 2015 is a diverse, ethical, and transparent 21st Century worker organization leading with vision, understanding, clarity, and agility, thereby thriving in an ever-changing world. Through the work of our members, by building partnerships, and embracing innovation and education, SEIU Local 2015 long term care workers will have achieved quality jobs that deliver livable wages, retirement security, respect, and the right to a union for all. SEIU Local 2015 will have placed the new American Dream within reach by ensuring the accessibility of quality long term care for seniors and people with disabilities, and securing a quality life for our communities which includes access to affordable quality healthcare and housing, safe neighborhoods, educational opportunities, and racial and environmental justice.
Lake County Democrats go to California convention
Lake County Democrats were energized by the recent annual California Democratic Convention in San Diego. In attendance were, left to right:
Carlos Negrete, Chair of Lake County Democratic Central Committee (LCDCC) , Becky Curry, Vice Chair LCDCC, Susan Cameron, Chair of the Lake County Democratic Club, Virginia Cerenio, Tom Jordan and Stephanie Pawah. Attendees missing from photo are Sissa and Doug Harris, Natalie Higley & Ava Kennedy.
Our party voted to recommend the following positions for the June 5, 2018 Statewide Ballot Measures
Proposition 68 – Support – Parks, Environment & Water Bond
- A “yes” vote supports this measure to authorize $4 billion in general obligation bonds for state and local parks, environmental protection projects, water infrastructure projects, and flood protection projects.
- https://ballotpedia.org/
California_Proposition_68,_ Parks,_Environment,_and_Water_ Bond_(June_2018)
Proposition 69 – Support – Transportation Taxes and Fees Lockbox and Appropriations Limit Exemption Amendment,
- A “yes” vote supports this amendment to:
- require that revenue from the diesel sales tax and Transportation Improvement Fee, as enacted by Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), be used for transportation-related purposes; and
- exempt revenue generated by SB 1’s tax increases and fee schedules from the state appropriations limit.
- https://ballotpedia.org/
California_Proposition_69,_ Transportation_Taxes_and_Fees_ Lockbox_and_Appropriations_ Limit_Exemption_Amendment_( June_2018)
Proposition 70 – Oppose – Vote Requirement to Use Cap-and-Trade Revenue Amendment
- A “no” vote opposes this amendment to require a one-time two-thirds vote in each legislative chamber in 2024 or thereafter to pass a spending plan for revenue from the state’s cap-and-trade program.
- https://ballotpedia.org/
California_Proposition_70,_ Vote_Requirement_to_Use_Cap- and-Trade_Revenue_Amendment_( June_2018)
Proposition 71 – Support – Effective Date of Ballot Measures Amendment (June 2018)
- A “yes” vote supports this amendment to move the effective date of ballot propositions, including citizen initiatives and legislative referrals, from the day after election day to the fifth day after the secretary of state certifies election results.
- https://ballotpedia.org/
California_Proposition_71,_ Effective_Date_of_Ballot_ Measures_Amendment_(June_2018)
Proposition 72 – Support – Rainwater Capture Systems Excluded from Property Tax Assessments Amendment (June 2018)
- A “yes” vote supports this amendment to allow the state legislature to exclude rainwater capture systems added after January 1, 2019, from property tax reassessments.
- https://ballotpedia.org/
California_Proposition_72,_ Rainwater_Capture_Systems_ Excluded_from_Property_Tax_ Assessments_Amendment_(June_ 2018)
Recent Posts
- Our Club Has Reorganized
- November 14 Club meeting
- Meeting Oct. 10– Support your local candidates
- Big Bar B Q fundraiser Sept. 22
- Dem Club meeting on September 12
- Lake County Democratic campaign office opens
- August 8 meeting features author, historian and storyteller Gene Paleno
- Dem Club joins parade
- July 11 meeting speaker is Lakeport Mayor Turner
- Lower Lake Daze parade features new banners
- June 13 meeting features Lake FRC
- May 9 meeting features Bruno Sabatier, Board of Supervisors candidate
Programs & Recruitment Committee
Chair: Susan Cameron
P.O. Box 4536, Clearlake CA. 95422-4536
Meetings are on:
2nd Wednesday of the Month at 6:30pm
Social Hall of the Methodist Church
16255 Second Street, Lower Lake CA. 95457
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