Maurice Bizzarri

Author's posts

Meet Your Congressman Garamendi

Lake County Democratic Club January Crossword Puzzle

January 12, 2015 Lake County Democratic Club January Crossword Puzzle

Weekly Address: America’s Resurgence Is Real

January 10, 2015 In this week’s address, President Obama discussed the economic gains we made in 2014, which was the strongest year for job growth since the 1990s.  

Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill Demands Accountability, Says Congressman Garamendi in House Floor Amendment

January 10, 2015 Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill Demands Accountability, Says Congressman Garamendi in House Floor Amendment | Congressman John Garamendi WASHINGTON, DC – Today on the House Floor, Congressman John Garamendi (D-Fairfield, CA) offered the only amendment allowed to be considered for H.R. 3, a bill to override safety and environmental standards and automatically approve …

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Weekly Address: Make 2015 the Year for Quality, Affordable Health Insurance

January 03, 2015 In this week’s address, the Vice President wished Americans a Happy New Year, and asked that as we make resolutions to get healthier in 2015, we take the time to sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.

Statue Of Liberty Dust Bunnie

January 1, 2015

Workshop for Dem Club Leaders and Club Treasurers

  The Workshop for Dem Club Leaders and Club Treasurers is scheduled for Saturday, January 24, 2015, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, at the California Democratic Party Headquarters, 1830 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811. Our expert presenters/discussion leaders will include: Jess Durfee, National Democratic Committee Member and Immediate Past Chair of the San Diego County …

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Weekly Address: Happy Holidays from the President and First Lady

December 25, 2014 In this week’s address, the President and First Lady wished Americans a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and thanked our brave troops for their service. Especially as our combat mission in Afghanistan comes to a responsible end in the coming days, we are reminded of all that military men, women, and families …

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The Lake County Democratic Club will Host District 4 Lake County Board Supervisor Anthony Farrington January 13

December 21, 2014 Supervisor District 4, Anthony Farrington will be the Lake County Democratic Club’s speaker at the next meeting on January 13, 2015. The meeting will start at 6:00pm and the topic will be the State of Jefferson. There will be a question and answer section for the members after the completion of Supervisor …

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Weekly Address: America’s Resurgence Is Real

December 20, 2014 In this week’s address, the President reflected on the significant progress made by this country in 2014, and in the nearly six years since he took office. This past year has been the strongest for job growth since the 1990s, contributing to the nearly 11 million jobs added by our businesses over …

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State Senator Mike McGuire Asks Governor to Declare Disaster for Flood Areas

December 16, 2014   Sacramento, CA – California State Senator Mike McGuire and fellow legislators, today asked Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. to issue a Disaster Declaration for Sonoma, Marin and Lake Counties due to the severe flooding in those areas. “The flash flooding and storm damage experienced by communities in Sonoma, Lake and Marin …

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Weekly Address: Giving Thanks for Our Troops

December 13, 2014 In this week’s address, the President thanked the men and women in uniform who serve and sacrifice to protect the freedom, prosperity, and security that we all enjoy as Americans. On Monday the President will visit troops at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey and voice his appreciation in person for their …

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Counting Absentee Ballots

December 10, 2015

Mike McGuire Sworn in as State Senator

December 1, 2014 Mike McGuire Sworn in as State Senator

Weekly Address: Happy Thanksgiving from the Obama Family

November 30, 2014   In this week’s address, the President wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving and reflected on the history of our country and its celebration of diversity. He gave thanks for the many Americans who sacrifice every day, from volunteer workers who serve their communities, to men and women in uniform who serve us …

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